Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Let's do this

OK, I'm not the promising type. In fact, it's been years since I last made one. And just because I have a new blog doesn't mean I'm going to start any time soon. But, I will give a solemn vow to you, my loyal (and as yet non-existent) readers, that I will offer nothing but completely biased opinions on sports topics from day to day.

I live near Toronto, so there will be a lot of Toronto-centric stuff here. I'm a pretty big Jays fans, so you'll see some pretty regular Jays stuff here. I hate the Maple Leafs, so there will rarely be Leafs content here. I love the CFL, so you're gonna have to sift through some pro-CFL stuff, and maybe even a little NFL bashing, too. NHL preview will start in the next few days, and that'll go pretty much daily from here until the start of the season. NFL picks will be up probably on Fridays. Seems like a reasonable day to post them, unless there are Thursday games. Then as this thing picks up steam, and maybe a regular reader or two, I'm open to suggestions.

And once I figure out html code, I might even spice the page up a little bit.

Big one coming tomorrow to kick things off. See you then

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